Welcome to the International Sign online dictionary!

You can find words with signs in three different ways.

Above you see the search engine where you can insert the word you like to find. From the menu you can find a link "List of  words" where you find words and signs by entering only the first letter of the word. If you click on "Categories" then you will find words and signs that are categorised by themes. You can also find signs by choosing a letter from the alphabet that is visible below.

From the menu you will also find fingerspelling. Fingerspelling is a manual alfabet, which means that you can show each letter of the alfabet with a specific shape of the hand and fingers.

Here you will find some examples of sentences and how they are signed in International Sign.

If you want to save some signs that you could look up faster next time, then you can add these videos to favourites.

You can watch videos with a variation of speed – if you wish then also in slow motion.

International Sign Language online dictionary is provided both in Estonian and in English.

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